Public_documentation/Appendix A.1

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Detailed Description of mcat Columns

Uppercase column names originate from the source extractor program (SExtractor) which operates on each band separately. These values are copied verbatim from the source extractor result files (*-n/fd-cat.fits) and have either an NUV_ or FUV_ prepended to the column name. For these columns, -99.0 is used for unfilled (or blank) values, but in some cases blank magnitude values appear as +99.0. Please see the SExtractor web pages or Bertin and Arnouts (1996, A&A, 117, 393) for more information about the quantities measured by this progam. Lowercase column names are added by the band merger program. For these columns, -999.0 or -9999.0 are unfilled or blank values. Magnitudes are either on the AB system or are GALEX instrumental magnitudes as stated. Fluxes are counts/second unless stated to be in micro Janskys.

MCAT Columns
Number Column Name Format Units Description
1 ggoid_hex 16A string Hex string version of Galex Global Object ID
2 ggoid_dec 20A string Decimal string version of Galex Global Object ID.
3 ggoid 2J number This is the 64-bit integer version of the global object ID. Joining these two integers yields a 64 bit integer uniquely identifying this source including the tile number, band, product number, reduction try (path), etc. These values are also given as individual columns (shown below). The bits from most significant to least significant are:
       3 bits: vsn - Version number (of the pipeline)
      16 bits: tile- Tile or field or target number
       2 bits: type- Observation type (00=single,01=AIS(multi))
       2 bits: ow  - optics wheel position (01=direct,10=grism,11=opaque,00=undefined)
       4 bits: prod- product number(_visits,_best,etc.)
      12 bits: img - visit/sub-visit number {when type=01: 5 bit subvis + 7 bit visit}
          (This is just the visit number, except for AIS (or multi-leg) observations 
           where the first (highest) 5 bits are used for the sub-visit number. When the
           data is secondary AIS visit data (vsn=2), then the first (highest) 7 bits are
           used for the sub-visit number.)
       3 bits: try - try number (processing number)
       2 bits: band- Band (01=nuv,10=fuv,11=both,00=undefined)
      20 bits: xid - Extraction ID
4 vsn 1J number "Version" number that indicates whether the data is a secondary coadd or not. Secondary coadds have this value set to 2 while for all other data it is set to 1. This is not to be confused with the pipeline version which can be found in the mcat header.
5 tilenum 1J number Tile or target number
6 type 1J number Obs.type (0=single,1=multiple subvisits)
7 ow 1J number Optics wheel (1=drct,2=grsm,3=opaq)
8 prod 1J number Product number (0 indicates a visit while a 1 indicates a coadd)
9 img 1J number Visit and sub-visit number, when type=01 then 5 bit subvis + 7 bit visit. This is just the visit number, except for AIS observations when the first (highest) 5 bits are used for the sub-visit number. When the data is secondary AIS visit data (vsn=2), then the first (highest) 7 bits are used for the sub-visit number.
10 try 1J number Try number (processing attempt number)
11 band 1J number Band number (1=nuv,2=fuv,3=both)
12 id 1J number Merged ID. Extraction identification number. This is the same as the NUV ID number from the NUV source catalog (called "NUV_NUMBER" below). In cases where there is no NUV source a new ID is assigned which is large enough not to conflict with any NUV ID number.
13 subvisit 1I number Sub-visit number for the All-sky Imaging Survey (AIS). An AIS eclipse may have 12 or more telescope pointings. Each of these pointings is assigned a sub-visit number. Note that a visit number corresponds to one eclipse.
14 leg 1I number Similar to the sub-visit number, but this is a planned (but perhaps not observed) pointing (or leg) during an AIS eclipse.
15 alpha_j2000 1D degrees Right Ascension in degrees (0 to 360) in a J2000 reference frame. This position is the NUV source position, or the FUV source position for FUV-only sources.
16 delta_j2000 1D degrees Declination in degrees (-90 to 90) in a J2000 reference frame. This position is the NUV source position, or the FUV source position for FUV-only sources.
17 alpha_j2000_merged 1D degrees Bandmerged Right Ascension in degrees (0 to 360) in a J2000 reference frame. This position is a signal-to-noise weighted average of the NUV and FUV source positions.
18 delta_j2000_merged 1D degrees Bandmerged Declination in degrees (-90 to 90) in a J2000 reference frame. This position is a signal-to-noise weighted average of the NUV and FUV source positions.
19 prob 1E probability A bandmerger quantity computed for a given match. This depends on the separation between sources and an estimate of the positional error. Currently, the radial positional error is set at a constant 1.0 arcsecond for all sources.
20 sep 1E arcseconds Separation between two bandmerged (NUV and FUV) source positions in arcseconds.
21 sep_img 1E arcseconds Separation on images with no adjustment applied to the FUV positions.
22 E_bv 1E mag The Galactic reddening expressed as E(B-V). This is derived from the Galactic extinctions maps from Schlegel et al. (1998, ApJ, 500, 525). Data obtained from
23 glon 1E degrees Galactic longitude in degrees.
24 glat 1E degrees Galactic latitude in degrees.
25 primary 1J number Each tile has a primary region defined based upon the planed tile center. If a source falls within the primary region, it has primary=1 and primary=0 otherwise.
26 fov_radius 1E degrees distance from center of FOV in degrees
27 nuv_det_x 1E pixels Estimate of NUV detector X position of a given source. Since the telescope is dithered and many eclipse observations are combined, this is only an estimate of the X position. The units are in pixels (1.5 arcseconds per pixel) relative to the nominal field center.
28 nuv_det_y 1E pixels Estimate of NUV detector Y position of a given source in pixels (1.5 arcseconds per pixel).
29 fuv_det_x 1E pixels Estimate of FUV detector X position of a given source in pixels (1.5 arcseconds per pixel).
30 fuv_det_y 1E pixels Estimate of FUV detector Y position of a given source in pixels (1.5 arcseconds per pixel).
31 chkobj_type 1J number The GALEX field position is aligned to the sky using the known positions of bright stars. The file with the extension "-cat_mch_rtastar.fits" contains data on the bright stars used to align the GALEX field. The filename of this file is given by the FITS header card "MCHFILE". If the value of "chkobj_type" for a source is 1, then that source (NUV position) has been matched to a known bright star.
32 chkobj_id 1J number For a source matched to a known star (chkobj_type=1), this column gives the row number in the match table file (-cat_mch_rtastar.fits) containing the data for this match.
33 chkobj_r 1E degrees For a source matched to a known star (chkobj_type=1), this column gives the distance in degrees between the known star and the GALEX NUV source position.
34 chkobj_pa 1E degrees For a source matched to a known star (chkobj_type=1), this column gives the position angle in degrees between the known star position and the GALEX NUV source position.
35 misc_flags 1J value Not used.
36 nuv_flux 1E flux (micro-Janskys) Calibrated NUV flux in micro-Janskys. This is currently always set to the SExtractor "AUTO" flux. The NUV counts/sec is converted to micro Janskys using the header card "N_CUJ" and the formula nuv_flux = NUV_FLUX_AUTO * N_CUJ. The value of "N_CUJ" is equal to 10 ^ ( (NUV_ZPMAG - 23.9) / -2.5 ) . Also note that "nuv_flux" may be zero, in this case refer to the "NUV_FLUX_*" columns for flux values. If "nuv_flux" has a value of -999, then there was no NUV source detection.
37 nuv_fluxerr 1E flux (micro-Janskys) The error in nuv_flux in micro-Janskys.
38 nuv_mag 1E AB mag Calibrated NUV AB magnitude This is currently always set to the SExtractor "AUTO" magnitude. The NUV catalog magnitude is converted to the true magnitude using the zero-point conversion given by the header card "N_ZPMAG" and the formula nuv_mag = NUV_MAG_AUTO + N_ZPMAG).
39 nuv_magerr 1E AB mag Error in nuv_mag.
40 fuv_flux 1E flux (micro-Janskys) Calibrated FUV flux in micro-Janskys. This is currently always set to the SExtractor "AUTO" flux. The FUV counts/sec is converted to micro Janskys using the header card "F_CUJ" and the formula fuv_flux = = FUV_FLUX_AUTO * N_FUJ. The value of "N_FUJ" is equal to 10 ^ ( (FUV_ZPMAG - 23.9) / -2.5 ) . Also note that "fuv_flux" may be zero, in this case refer to the "FUV_FLUX_*" columns for flux values. If "fuv_flux" has a value of -999, then there was no FUV source detection.
41 fuv_fluxerr 1E flux (micro-Janskys) The error in fuv_flux.
42 fuv_mag 1E AB mag Calibrated FUV AB magnitude This is currently always set to the SExtractor "AUTO" magnitude. The FUV catalog magnitude is converted to the true magnitude using the zero-point conversion given by the header card "F_ZPMAG" and the formula fuv_mag = FUV_MAG_AUTO + F_ZPMAG).
43 fuv_magerr 1E AB mag The error in fuv_mag.
44 nuv_s2n 1E ratio NUV signal-to-noise from 'AUTO' flux value.
45 fuv_s2n 1E ratio FUV signal-to-noise from 'AUTO' flux value.
46 nuv_fcat_flux 1E flux (micro-Janskys) The calibrated NUV flux derived using the source position given in the FUV catalog. The file with extension "-nd-fcat.fits" contains NUV flux values computed using positions given in the "-fd-cat.fits" file.
47 nuv_fcat_fluxerr 1E flux (micro-Janskys) Error for nuv_fcat_flux
48 fuv_ncat_flux 1E flux (micro-Janskys) The FUV flux derived using the source position given in the NUV catalog. The file with extension "-fd-ncat.fits" contains FUV flux values computed using positions given in the "-nd-cat.fits" file.
49 fuv_ncat_fluxerr 1E flux (micro-Janskys) Error for fuv_ncat_flux
50 fuv_ra_adj 1D degrees FUV adjusted RA in degrees to fix the average offset between the FUV and NUV positions.
51 fuv_dec_adj 1D degrees FUV adjusted DEC in degrees to fix the average offset between the FUV and NUV positions.
52 fuv_ncat_flags 1I number FUV_FLAGS from -fd-ncat.fits
53 fuv_ncat_mag 1E AB mag FUV calibrated AB magnitude derived from fuv_ncat_flux.
54 fuv_ncat_magerr 1E AB mag Error for nuv_fcat_mag
55 fuv_ncat_s2n 1E ratio Signal to noise for fuv_ncat_flux
56 nuv_fcat_mag 1E AB mag NUV calibrated AB magnitude derived from nuv_fcat_mag.
57 nuv_fcat_magerr 1E AB mag Error for nuv_fcat_mag
58 nuv_fcat_s2n 1E ratio Signal to noise for nuv_fcat_flux
59 fuv_ncat_fwhm_image 1E pixels FUV FWHM_IMAGE value from -fd-ncat.fits (px)
60 fuv_ncat_fwhm_world 1E degrees FUV FWHM_WORLD value from -fd-ncat.fits (deg)
61 fuv_ncat_flux_radius_1 1E pixels FUV FLUX_RADIUS #1 (-fd-ncat)(px)[0.20]
62 fuv_ncat_flux_radius_2 1E pixels FUV FLUX_RADIUS #2 (-fd-ncat)(px)[0.50]
63 fuv_ncat_flux_radius_3 1E pixels FUV FLUX_RADIUS #3 (-fd-ncat)(px)[0.80]
64 fuv_ncat_flux_radius_4 1E pixels FUV FLUX_RADIUS #4 (-fd-ncat)(px)[0.90]
65 fuv_ncat_flux_radius_5 1E pixels FUV FLUX_RADIUS #5 (-fd-ncat)(px)[0.95]
66 fuv_ncat_flux_aper_1 1E cnts/sec FUV FLUX_APER #1 (-fd-ncat)(cnt/sec) Flux aperture ( 2.000 px diameter). All of the columns labeled fuv_ncat_flux_aper_X (where X ranges from 1 to 7) refer to measurements of the FUV flux in a fixed circular aperture with the specified diameter in pixels with center determined by the NUV centroid. The diameters for the 7 fluxes are 2, 3, 5, 8, 12, 17, and 23 pixels. The GALEX image scale is fixed at 1.5 arcsec/pixel.
67 fuv_ncat_flux_aper_2 1E cnts/sec FUV FLUX_APER #2 (-fd-ncat)(cnt/sec)[ 3. px diameter]
68 fuv_ncat_flux_aper_3 1E cnts/sec FUV FLUX_APER #3 (-fd-ncat)(cnt/sec)[ 5. px diameter]
69 fuv_ncat_flux_aper_4 1E cnts/sec FUV FLUX_APER #4 (-fd-ncat)(cnt/sec)[ 8. px diameter]
70 fuv_ncat_flux_aper_5 1E cnts/sec FUV FLUX_APER #5 (-fd-ncat)(cnt/sec)[12. px diameter]
71 fuv_ncat_flux_aper_6 1E cnts/sec FUV FLUX_APER #6 (-fd-ncat)(cnt/sec)[17. px diameter]
72 fuv_ncat_flux_aper_7 1E cnts/sec FUV FLUX_APER #7 (-fd-ncat)(cnt/sec)[23. px diameter]
73 fuv_ncat_fluxerr_aper_1 1E cnts/sec error for fuv_ncat_flux_aper_1
74 fuv_ncat_fluxerr_aper_2 1E cnts/sec error for fuv_ncat_flux_aper_2
75 fuv_ncat_fluxerr_aper_3 1E cnts/sec error for fuv_ncat_flux_aper_3
76 fuv_ncat_fluxerr_aper_4 1E cnts/sec error for fuv_ncat_flux_aper_4
77 fuv_ncat_fluxerr_aper_5 1E cnts/sec error for fuv_ncat_flux_aper_5
78 fuv_ncat_fluxerr_aper_6 1E cnts/sec error for fuv_ncat_flux_aper_6
79 fuv_ncat_fluxerr_aper_7 1E cnts/sec error for fuv_ncat_flux_aper_7
80 fuv_ncat_mag_aper_1 1E raw_mag FUV MAG_APER #1 (-fd-ncat)(raw mag)[ 2. px diameter] Magnitude aperture ( 2.000 px diameter). All of the columns labeled fuv_ncat_mag_aper_X (where X ranges from 1 to 7) refer to measurements of the FUV magnitude in a fixed circular aperture with the specified diameter in pixels with center determined by the NUV centroid. The diameters for the 7 fluxes are 2, 3, 5, 8, 12, 17, and 23 pixels. The GALEX image scale is fixed at 1.5 arcsec/pixel.
81 fuv_ncat_mag_aper_2 1E raw_mag FUV MAG_APER #2 (-fd-ncat)(raw mag)[ 3. px diameter]
82 fuv_ncat_mag_aper_3 1E raw_mag FUV MAG_APER #3 (-fd-ncat)(raw mag)[ 5. px diameter]
83 fuv_ncat_mag_aper_4 1E raw_mag FUV MAG_APER #4 (-fd-ncat)(raw mag)[ 8. px diameter]
84 fuv_ncat_mag_aper_5 1E raw_mag FUV MAG_APER #5 (-fd-ncat)(raw mag)[12. px diameter]
85 fuv_ncat_mag_aper_6 1E raw_mag FUV MAG_APER #6 (-fd-ncat)(raw mag)[17. px diameter]
86 fuv_ncat_mag_aper_7 1E raw_mag FUV MAG_APER #7 (-fd-ncat)(raw mag)[23. px diameter]
87 fuv_ncat_magerr_aper_1 1E raw_mag error for fuv_ncat_mag_aper_1
88 fuv_ncat_magerr_aper_2 1E raw_mag error for fuv_ncat_mag_aper_2
89 fuv_ncat_magerr_aper_3 1E raw_mag error for fuv_ncat_mag_aper_3
90 fuv_ncat_magerr_aper_4 1E raw_mag error for fuv_ncat_mag_aper_4
91 fuv_ncat_magerr_aper_5 1E raw_mag error for fuv_ncat_mag_aper_5
92 fuv_ncat_magerr_aper_6 1E raw_mag error for fuv_ncat_mag_aper_6
93 fuv_ncat_magerr_aper_7 1E raw_mag error for fuv_ncat_mag_aper_7
94 nuv_nc_r1 1I number NUV neighbor count out to radius R1. The radii used for this column and all of the following neighbor counts are listed in the FITS header.
95 nuv_nc_r2 1I number NUV neighbor count out to radius R2
96 nuv_nc_r3 1I number NUV neighbor count out to radius R3
97 fuv_nc_r1 1I number FUV neighbor count out to radius R1
98 fuv_nc_r2 1I number FUV neighbor count out to radius R2
99 fuv_nc_r3 1I number FUV neighbor count out to radius R3
100 nuv_nf_r1 1E flux (micro-Janskys) NUV neighbor flux out to radius R1
101 nuv_nf_r2 1E flux (micro-Janskys) NUV neighbor flux out to radius R2
102 nuv_nf_r3 1E flux (micro-Janskys) NUV neighbor flux out to radius R3
103 fuv_nf_r1 1E flux (micro-Janskys) FUV neighbor flux out to radius R1
104 fuv_nf_r2 1E flux (micro-Janskys) FUV neighbor flux out to radius R2
105 fuv_nf_r3 1E flux (micro-Janskys) FUV neighbor flux out to radius R3
106 cn_radius 1E arcseconds Closest neighbor radius in arcseconds
107 cn_pa 1E degrees Closest neighbor position angle in degrees
108 cn_mag_nuv 1E AB mag Closest neighbor NUV magnitude
109 cn_mag_fuv 1E AB mag Closest neighbor FUV magnitude
110 nuv_skybg 1E flux (cts/sec/arcsec^2) Background value in photons per second per square arcsecond at the source position (from "alpha_j2000,delta_j2000" columns). This value is taken from the -nd-skybg.fits file image.
111 fuv_skybg 1E flux (cts/sec/arcsec^2) Background value in photons per second per square arcsecond at the source position (from "alpha_j2000,delta_j2000" columns). This value is taken from the -nd-skybg.fits file image.
112 nuv_weight 1E seconds Effective exposure time (or flat field response value) in seconds at the source position (center pixel) given by the "alpha_j2000,delta_j2000" columns. This value is taken from the -nd-rrhr.fits file image.
113 fuv_weight 1E seconds Effective exposure time (or flat field response value) in seconds at the source position (center pixel) given by the "alpha_j2000,delta_j2000" columns. This value is taken from the -fd-rrhr.fits file image.
114 nuv_int 1E photons/second/pixel NUV intensity value in photons per second at the source position (center pixel). This value is taken from the -nd-int.fits file image.
115 fuv_int 1E photons/second/pixel FUV intensity value in photons per second at the source position (center pixel). This value is taken from the -fd-int.fits file image.
116 nuv_thres 1E sigmas NUV threshold sigmas for source detection at the source position. This value is derived from the -nd-int.fits image, the -nd-skybg.fits image and the -nd-wt.fits images. The formula is thres = ( int - skybg ) / wt.
117 fuv_thres 1E sigmas FUV threshold sigmas for source detection at the source position. This value is derived from the -fd-int.fits image, the -fd-skybg.fits image and the -fd-wt.fits images. The formula is thres = ( int - skybg ) / wt.
118 nuv_contrast 1E ratio The minimum pixel value divided by the maximum pixel value within the extraction box (from the -rrhr.fits image). The extraction box is defined by the columns NUV_XMIN_IMAGE, NUV_YMIN_IMAGE,NUV_XMAX_IMAGE, and NUV_YMAX_IMAGE. This ratio will be between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive. The pixel size is given by the header card "NSXPIXS" with a nominal size of 1.5 arcseconds by 1.5 arcseconds.
119 fuv_contrast 1E ratio The minimum pixel value divided by the maximum pixel value within the extraction box (from the -rrhr.fits image). The extraction box is defined by the columns FUV_XMIN_IMAGE, FUV_YMIN_IMAGE,FUV_XMAX_IMAGE, and FUV_YMAX_IMAGE. This ratio will be between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive. The pixel size is given by the header card "FSXPIXS" with a nominal size of 1.5 arcseconds by 1.5 arcseconds.
120 nuv_scq_mdn 1E value NUV median Q within 40 arcsec of source
121 nuv_scq_p05 1E value NUV 5th percentile Q: 40 arcssec of source
122 nuv_scq_p95 1E value NUV 95th percentile Q: 40 arcssec of source
123 fuv_scq_mdn 1E value FUV median Q within 40 arcsec of source
124 fuv_scq_p05 1E value FUV 5th percentile Q: 40 arcssec of source
125 fuv_scq_p95 1E value FUV 95th percentile Q: 40 arcssec of source
126 nuv_maskpix 1J number Number of masked pixels within the NUV extraction box (as described for nuv_contrast). A masked pixel is one whose response value (from the -rrhr.fits image) is NAN or is either less than 0.000001 or greater than 10 times the exposure time.
127 fuv_maskpix 1J number Number of masked pixels within the FUV extraction box (as described for fuv_contrast). A masked pixel is one whose response value (from the -rrhr.fits image) is NAN or is either less than 0.000001 or greater than 10 times the exposure time.
128 nuv_artifact 1J number Logical OR of artifact flags for pixels within a 3x3 pixel box in the NUV flags image (-nd-flags.fits) centered on the source centroid pixel. The artifact flag is a binary flag with each bit indicating a different artifact. The bits have the meanings indicated below. The decimal equivalent for each flag is given in parantheses.
 Artifact  1(  1):(edge) Detector bevel edge reflection (NUV only).
 Artifact  2(  2):(window) Detector window reflection (NUV only).
 Artifact  3(  4):(dichroic) Dichroic reflection.
 Artifact  4(  8):(varpix) Varible pixel based on time slices.
 Artifact  5( 16):(brtedge) Bright star near field edge (NUV only)
 Artifact  6( 32):Detector rim(annulus) proximity(>0.6 deg fld ctr)
 Artifact  7( 64):(dimask) dichroic reflection artifact mask flag
 Artifact  8(128):(varmask) Masked pixel determined by varpix.
 Artifact  9(256):(hotmask) Detector hot spots.
 Artifact 10(512):(yaghost) Possible ghost image from YA slope.
129 fuv_artifact 1J number Logical OR of artifact flags for pixels within a 3x3 pixel box in the FUV flags image (-fd-flags.fits) centered on the source centroid pixel. The meanings of the flag values are the same as in the NUV.
130 nuv_scx 1E number NUV spacecraft position as computed from the detector positions (n/fuv_det_x/y): nuv_scy = (nuv_det_x * 0.5) + 1125.0 .
131 nuv_scy 1E number NUV spacecraft position as computed from the detector positions (n/fuv_det_x/y): nuv_scy = (nuv_det_x * 0.5) + 1125.0
132 fuv_scx 1E number FUV Spacecraft position as computed from the detector positions (n/fuv_det_x/y): fuv_scx = (-1.* fuv_det_y * 0.5) + 1125.0.
133 fuv_scy 1E number FUV Spacecraft position as computed from the detector positions (n/fuv_det_x/y): fuv_scy = (-1.* fuv_det_y * 0.5) + 1125.0.
134 nuv_Q 1E number NUV Q value taken from the calibrated universal Qmap image file.
135 fuv_Q 1E number FUV Q value taken from the calibrated universal Qmap image file.
136 nuv_ambg 1J number Ambiguity flag for the NUV source detection which is a potentially bandmerged source. Refers to the match (or lack of match) between the NUV source and the FUV source detection. A filled source has been matched and an unfilled source has no match. The flags are:
        0: unfilled, no candidates, no ambiguity.
        1: filled, first choice candidates agree, no ambiguity.
        2: filled, first choice matches second choice candidate.
        3: unfilled, first choice taken, no second choice candidate.
        4: filled, second choice matches a first choice candidate.
        5: filled, second choice matches a second choice candidate.
        6: unfilled, first and second taken, no third choice.
       -6: unfilled, first and second taken, third choice exists.
       -1: unfilled, cleared, unchecked.
       -2: not applicable, does not exist, blank.
137 fuv_ambg 1J number Same as nuv_ambg, but for the FUV source detection.
138 nuv_nc 1J number Number of potentially bandmerging FUV candidates for the NUV source detection.
139 fuv_nc 1J number Number of potentially bandmerging NUV candidates for the FUV source detection.
140 nuv_cid1 1J number Source ID number of the FUV source detection of the first (best) candidate to be merged with the NUV source detection. This ID number will appear in the column FUV_NUMBER for the candidate entry in this table.
141 fuv_cid1 1J number Source ID number of the NUV source detection of the first (best) candidate to be merged with the FUV source detection. This ID number will appear in the column NUV_NUMBER for the candidate entry in this table.
142 nuv_cid2 1J number Source ID number of the FUV source which is the second best candidate to be merged with the NUV source.
143 fuv_cid2 1J number Source ID number of the NUV source which is the second best candidate to be merged with the FUV source.
144 nuv_cid3 1J number Source ID number of the FUV source which is the third best candidate to be merged with the NUV source. Third candidates are rare (less than 0.5% occurrence) for GALEX.
145 fuv_cid3 1J number Source ID number of the NUV source which is the third best candidate to be merged with the FUV source. Third candidates are rare (less than 0.5% occurrence) for GALEX.
146 nuv_poserr 1E arcseconds This is the total radial position error (1 sigma) which combines the poisson position error and the field error (see the 'N_FLDERR' header card). The field error is a constant for the entire field and represents errors due to effects not accounted for by counting statistics.
147 fuv_poserr 1E arcseconds Same as 'nuv_poserr' for FUV positions.
148 ib_poserr 1E arcseconds Interband position error in arcseconds
149 nuv_pperr 1E arcseconds The part of the NUV position error due to counting statistics.
150 fuv_pperr 1E arcseconds The part of the position error due to counting statistics.
151 match_reliability 1E number Reliability based on random unfilled FUV
152 sourcepa 1E degrees For filled or bandmerged source pairs, the position angle in degrees of the FUV source position relative to the NUV source position. A value of 0 points east and 90 points north. For example, if the FUV source position is directly west of the NUV source position, the sourcepa value would be 180. If the FUV source is directly south of the NUV source, then the sourcepa angle would 270.
153 NUV_NUMBER 1J value Running object number
154 NUV_FLUX_ISO 1E flux (cts/sec) Isophotal flux
155 NUV_FLUXERR_ISO 1E flux (cts/sec) RMS error for isophotal flux
156 NUV_MAG_ISO 1E raw_mag Isophotal magnitude
157 NUV_MAGERR_ISO 1E raw_mag RMS error for isophotal magnitude
158 NUV_FLUX_APER_1 1E flux (cts/sec) Flux aperture ( 2.000 px). All of the columns labeled either NUV_FLUX_APER_X or NUV_MAG_APER_X (where X ranges from 1 to 7) refer to measurements of the flux in a fixed circular aperture with the specified diameter in pixels. The diameters for the 7 fluxes are 2, 3, 5, 8, 12, 17, and 23 pixels. The GALEX image scale is fixed at 1.5 arcsec/pixel.
159 NUV_FLUX_APER_2 1E flux (cts/sec) Flux aperture ( 3.000 px diameter)
160 NUV_FLUX_APER_3 1E flux (cts/sec) Flux aperture ( 5.000 px diameter)
161 NUV_FLUX_APER_4 1E flux (cts/sec) Flux aperture ( 8.000 px diameter)
162 NUV_FLUX_APER_5 1E flux (cts/sec) Flux aperture ( 12.000 px diameter)
163 NUV_FLUX_APER_6 1E flux (cts/sec) Flux aperture ( 17.000 px diameter)
164 NUV_FLUX_APER_7 1E flux (cts/sec) Flux aperture ( 23.000 px diameter)
165 NUV_FLUXERR_APER_1 1E flux (cts/sec) Flux error aperture ( 2.000 px diameter)
166 NUV_FLUXERR_APER_2 1E flux (cts/sec) Flux error aperture ( 3.000 px diameter)
167 NUV_FLUXERR_APER_3 1E flux (cts/sec) Flux error aperture ( 5.000 px diameter)
168 NUV_FLUXERR_APER_4 1E flux (cts/sec) Flux error aperture ( 8.000 px diameter)
169 NUV_FLUXERR_APER_5 1E flux (cts/sec) Flux error aperture ( 12.000 px diameter)
170 NUV_FLUXERR_APER_6 1E flux (cts/sec) Flux error aperture ( 17.000 px diameter)
171 NUV_FLUXERR_APER_7 1E flux (cts/sec) Flux error aperture ( 23.000 px diameter)
172 NUV_MAG_APER_1 1E raw_mag Magnitude aperture ( 2.000 px diameter)
173 NUV_MAG_APER_2 1E raw_mag Magnitude aperture ( 3.000 px diameter)
174 NUV_MAG_APER_3 1E raw_mag Magnitude aperture ( 5.000 px diameter)
175 NUV_MAG_APER_4 1E raw_mag Magnitude aperture ( 8.000 px diameter)
176 NUV_MAG_APER_5 1E raw_mag Magnitude aperture ( 12.000 px diameter)
177 NUV_MAG_APER_6 1E raw_mag Magnitude aperture ( 17.000 px diameter)
178 NUV_MAG_APER_7 1E raw_mag Magnitude aperture ( 23.000 px diameter)
179 NUV_MAGERR_APER_1 1E raw_mag Magnitude error aperture ( 2.000 px diameter)
180 NUV_MAGERR_APER_2 1E raw_mag Magnitude error aperture ( 3.000 px diameter)
181 NUV_MAGERR_APER_3 1E raw_mag Magnitude error aperture ( 5.000 px diameter)
182 NUV_MAGERR_APER_4 1E raw_mag Magnitude error aperture ( 8.000 px diameter)
183 NUV_MAGERR_APER_5 1E raw_mag Magnitude error aperture ( 12.000 px diameter)
184 NUV_MAGERR_APER_6 1E raw_mag Magnitude error aperture ( 17.000 px diameter)
185 NUV_MAGERR_APER_7 1E raw_mag Magnitude error aperture ( 23.000 px diameter)
186 NUV_FLUX_AUTO 1E flux (cts/sec) Flux within a Kron-like elliptical aperture
187 NUV_FLUXERR_AUTO 1E flux (cts/sec) RMS error for AUTO flux
188 NUV_MAG_AUTO 1E raw_mag Kron-like elliptical aperture magnitude
189 NUV_MAGERR_AUTO 1E raw_mag RMS error for AUTO magnitude
190 NUV_FLUX_RADIUS_1 1E pixel Fraction-of-light radius ( 0.2000)
191 NUV_FLUX_RADIUS_2 1E pixel Fraction-of-light radius ( 0.5000)
192 NUV_FLUX_RADIUS_3 1E pixel Fraction-of-light radius ( 0.8000)
193 NUV_FLUX_RADIUS_4 1E pixel Fraction-of-light radius ( 0.9000)
194 NUV_FLUX_RADIUS_5 1E pixel Fraction-of-light radius ( 0.9500)
195 NUV_KRON_RADIUS 1E ratio Kron apertures in units of A or B
196 NUV_BACKGROUND 1E count Background at centroid position
197 NUV_THRESHOLD 1E number Detection threshold above background
198 NUV_MU_THRESHOLD 1E number Detection threshold above background
199 NUV_FLUX_MAX 1E number Peak flux above background
200 NUV_MU_MAX 1E number Peak surface brightness above background
201 NUV_ISOAREA_IMAGE 1E pixels Isophotal area above Analysis threshold
202 NUV_ISOAREA_WORLD 1E square degrees Isophotal area above Analysis threshold
203 NUV_ISOAREAF_IMAGE 1E pixels Isophotal area (filtered) above Detection thres
204 NUV_ISOAREAF_WORLD 1E square degrees Isophotal area (filtered) above Detection thres
205 NUV_XMIN_IMAGE 1J pixel Minimum x-coordinate among detected pixels
206 NUV_YMIN_IMAGE 1J pixel Minimum y-coordinate among detected pixels
207 NUV_XMAX_IMAGE 1J pixel Maximum x-coordinate among detected pixels
208 NUV_YMAX_IMAGE 1J pixel Maximum y-coordinate among detected pixels
209 NUV_X_IMAGE 1E pixel Object position along x
210 NUV_Y_IMAGE 1E pixel Object position along y
211 NUV_XPEAK_IMAGE 1J count x-coordinate of the brightest pixel
212 NUV_YPEAK_IMAGE 1J count y-coordinate of the brightest pixel
213 NUV_ALPHA_J2000 1D degrees Right ascension of barycenter (J2000)
214 NUV_DELTA_J2000 1D degrees Declination of barycenter (J2000)
215 NUV_X2_IMAGE 1E pixel Variance along x
216 NUV_Y2_IMAGE 1E pixel Variance along y
217 NUV_XY_IMAGE 1E pixel Covariance between x and y
218 NUV_X2_WORLD 1E degrees Variance along X-WORLD (alpha)
219 NUV_Y2_WORLD 1E degrees Variance along Y-WORLD (delta)
220 NUV_XY_WORLD 1E degrees Covariance between X-WORLD and Y-WORLD
221 NUV_CXX_IMAGE 1E pixels Cxx object ellipse parameter
222 NUV_CYY_IMAGE 1E pixels Cyy object ellipse parameter
223 NUV_CXY_IMAGE 1E pixels Cxy object ellipse parameter
224 NUV_CXX_WORLD 1E degrees Cxx object ellipse parameter (WORLD units)
225 NUV_CYY_WORLD 1E degrees Cyy object ellipse parameter (WORLD units)
226 NUV_CXY_WORLD 1E degrees Cxy object ellipse parameter (WORLD units)
227 NUV_A_IMAGE 1E pixels Profile RMS along major axis
228 NUV_B_IMAGE 1E pixels Profile RMS along minor axis
229 NUV_A_WORLD 1E degrees Profile RMS along major axis (world units)
230 NUV_B_WORLD 1E degrees Profile RMS along minor axis (world units)
231 NUV_THETA_IMAGE 1E degrees Position angle (CCW/x)
232 NUV_THETA_WORLD 1E degrees Position angle (CCW/world-x)
233 NUV_THETA_J2000 1E degrees Position angle (east of north) (J2000)
236 NUV_ERRX2_IMAGE 1D pixels Variance of position along x
237 NUV_ERRY2_IMAGE 1D pixels Variance of position along y
238 NUV_ERRXY_IMAGE 1E pixels Covariance of position between x and y
239 NUV_ERRX2_WORLD 1D degrees Variance of position along X-WORLD (alpha)
240 NUV_ERRY2_WORLD 1D degrees Variance of position along Y-WORLD (delta)
241 NUV_ERRXY_WORLD 1E degrees Covariance of position X-WORLD/Y-WORLD
242 NUV_ERRCXX_IMAGE 1E pixels Cxx error ellipse parameter
243 NUV_ERRCYY_IMAGE 1E pixels Cyy error ellipse parameter
244 NUV_ERRCXY_IMAGE 1E pixels Cxy error ellipse parameter
245 NUV_ERRCXX_WORLD 1E degrees Cxx error ellipse parameter (WORLD units)
246 NUV_ERRCYY_WORLD 1E degrees Cyy error ellipse parameter (WORLD units)
247 NUV_ERRCXY_WORLD 1E degrees Cxy error ellipse parameter (WORLD units)
248 NUV_ERRA_IMAGE 1E pixels RMS position error along major axis
249 NUV_ERRB_IMAGE 1E pixels RMS position error along minor axis
250 NUV_ERRA_WORLD 1E degrees World RMS position error along major axis
251 NUV_ERRB_WORLD 1E degrees World RMS position error along minor axis
252 NUV_ERRTHETA_IMAGE 1E degrees Error ellipse position angle (CCW/x)
253 NUV_ERRTHETA_WORLD 1E degrees Error ellipse pos. angle (CCW/world-x)
254 NUV_ERRTHETA_J2000 1E degrees J2000 error ellipse pos. angle (east of north)
255 NUV_FWHM_IMAGE 1E pixel FWHM assuming a gaussian core
256 NUV_FWHM_WORLD 1E degrees FWHM assuming a gaussian core
257 NUV_FLAGS 1I value Extraction flags
258 NUV_CLASS_STAR 1E value S/G classifier output
259 FUV_NUMBER 1J value Running object number
260 FUV_FLUX_ISO 1E flux (cts/sec) Isophotal flux
261 FUV_FLUXERR_ISO 1E flux (cts/sec) RMS error for isophotal flux
262 FUV_MAG_ISO 1E raw_mag Isophotal magnitude
263 FUV_MAGERR_ISO 1E raw_mag RMS error for isophotal magnitude
264 FUV_FLUX_APER_1 1E flux (cts/sec) Flux aperture ( 2.000 px diameter). All of the columns labeled either FUV_FLUX_APER_X or FUV_MAG_APER_X (where X ranges from 1 to 7) refer to measurements of the flux in a fixed circular aperture with the specified diameter in pixels. The diameters for the 7 fluxes are 2, 3, 5, 8, 12, 17, and 23 pixels. The GALEX image scale is fixed at 1.5 arcsec/pixel.
265 FUV_FLUX_APER_2 1E flux (cts/sec) Flux aperture ( 3.000 px diameter)
266 FUV_FLUX_APER_3 1E flux (cts/sec) Flux aperture ( 5.000 px diameter)
267 FUV_FLUX_APER_4 1E flux (cts/sec) Flux aperture ( 8.000 px diameter)
268 FUV_FLUX_APER_5 1E flux (cts/sec) Flux aperture ( 12.000 px diameter)
269 FUV_FLUX_APER_6 1E flux (cts/sec) Flux aperture ( 17.000 px diameter)
270 FUV_FLUX_APER_7 1E flux (cts/sec) Flux aperture ( 23.000 px diameter)
271 FUV_FLUXERR_APER_1 1E flux (cts/sec) Flux error aperture ( 2.000 px diameter)
272 FUV_FLUXERR_APER_2 1E flux (cts/sec) Flux error aperture ( 3.000 px diameter)
273 FUV_FLUXERR_APER_3 1E flux (cts/sec) Flux error aperture ( 5.000 px diameter)
274 FUV_FLUXERR_APER_4 1E flux (cts/sec) Flux error aperture ( 8.000 px diameter)
275 FUV_FLUXERR_APER_5 1E flux (cts/sec) Flux error aperture ( 12.000 px diameter)
276 FUV_FLUXERR_APER_6 1E flux (cts/sec) Flux error aperture ( 17.000 px diameter)
277 FUV_FLUXERR_APER_7 1E flux (cts/sec) Flux error aperture ( 23.000 px diameter)
278 FUV_MAG_APER_1 1E raw_mag Magnitude aperture ( 2.000 px diameter)
279 FUV_MAG_APER_2 1E raw_mag Magnitude aperture ( 3.000 px diameter)
280 FUV_MAG_APER_3 1E raw_mag Magnitude aperture ( 5.000 px diameter)
281 FUV_MAG_APER_4 1E raw_mag Magnitude aperture ( 8.000 px diameter)
282 FUV_MAG_APER_5 1E raw_mag Magnitude aperture ( 12.000 px diameter)
283 FUV_MAG_APER_6 1E raw_mag Magnitude aperture ( 17.000 px diameter)
284 FUV_MAG_APER_7 1E raw_mag Magnitude aperture ( 23.000 px diameter)
285 FUV_MAGERR_APER_1 1E raw_mag Magnitude error aperture ( 2.000 px diameter)
286 FUV_MAGERR_APER_2 1E raw_mag Magnitude error aperture ( 3.000 px diameter)
287 FUV_MAGERR_APER_3 1E raw_mag Magnitude error aperture ( 5.000 px diameter)
288 FUV_MAGERR_APER_4 1E raw_mag Magnitude error aperture ( 8.000 px diameter)
289 FUV_MAGERR_APER_5 1E raw_mag Magnitude error aperture ( 12.000 px diameter)
290 FUV_MAGERR_APER_6 1E raw_mag Magnitude error aperture ( 17.000 px diameter)
291 FUV_MAGERR_APER_7 1E raw_mag Magnitude error aperture ( 23.000 px diameter)
292 FUV_FLUX_AUTO 1E flux (cts/sec) Flux within a Kron-like elliptical aperture
293 FUV_FLUXERR_AUTO 1E flux (cts/sec) RMS error for AUTO flux
294 FUV_MAG_AUTO 1E raw_mag Kron-like elliptical aperture magnitude
295 FUV_MAGERR_AUTO 1E raw_mag RMS error for AUTO magnitude
296 FUV_FLUX_RADIUS_1 1E pixel Fraction-of-light radius ( 0.2000)
297 FUV_FLUX_RADIUS_2 1E pixel Fraction-of-light radius ( 0.5000)
298 FUV_FLUX_RADIUS_3 1E pixel Fraction-of-light radius ( 0.8000)
299 FUV_FLUX_RADIUS_4 1E pixel Fraction-of-light radius ( 0.9000)
300 FUV_FLUX_RADIUS_5 1E pixel Fraction-of-light radius ( 0.9500)
301 FUV_KRON_RADIUS 1E ratio Kron apertures in units of A or B
302 FUV_BACKGROUND 1E count Background at centroid position
303 FUV_THRESHOLD 1E number Detection threshold above background
304 FUV_MU_THRESHOLD 1E number Detection threshold above background
305 FUV_FLUX_MAX 1E number Peak flux above background
306 FUV_MU_MAX 1E number Peak surface brightness above background
307 FUV_ISOAREA_IMAGE 1E pixels Isophotal area above Analysis threshold
308 FUV_ISOAREA_WORLD 1E square degrees Isophotal area above Analysis threshold
309 FUV_ISOAREAF_IMAGE 1E pixels Isophotal area (filtered) above Detection thres
310 FUV_ISOAREAF_WORLD 1E square degrees Isophotal area (filtered) above Detection thres
311 FUV_XMIN_IMAGE 1J pixel Minimum x-coordinate among detected pixels
312 FUV_YMIN_IMAGE 1J pixel Minimum y-coordinate among detected pixels
313 FUV_XMAX_IMAGE 1J pixel Maximum x-coordinate among detected pixels
314 FUV_YMAX_IMAGE 1J pixel Maximum y-coordinate among detected pixels
315 FUV_X_IMAGE 1E pixel Object position along x
316 FUV_Y_IMAGE 1E pixel Object position along y
317 FUV_XPEAK_IMAGE 1J count x-coordinate of the brightest pixel
318 FUV_YPEAK_IMAGE 1J count y-coordinate of the brightest pixel
319 FUV_ALPHA_J2000 1D degrees Right ascension of barycenter (J2000)
320 FUV_DELTA_J2000 1D degrees Declination of barycenter (J2000)
321 FUV_X2_IMAGE 1E pixel Variance along x
322 FUV_Y2_IMAGE 1E pixel Variance along y
323 FUV_XY_IMAGE 1E pixel Covariance between x and y
324 FUV_X2_WORLD 1E degrees Variance along X-WORLD (alpha)
325 FUV_Y2_WORLD 1E degrees Variance along Y-WORLD (delta)
326 FUV_XY_WORLD 1E degrees Covariance between X-WORLD and Y-WORLD
327 FUV_CXX_IMAGE 1E pixels Cxx object ellipse parameter
328 FUV_CYY_IMAGE 1E pixels Cyy object ellipse parameter
329 FUV_CXY_IMAGE 1E pixels Cxy object ellipse parameter
330 FUV_CXX_WORLD 1E degrees Cxx object ellipse parameter (WORLD units)
331 FUV_CYY_WORLD 1E degrees Cyy object ellipse parameter (WORLD units)
332 FUV_CXY_WORLD 1E degrees Cxy object ellipse parameter (WORLD units)
333 FUV_A_IMAGE 1E pixels Profile RMS along major axis
334 FUV_B_IMAGE 1E pixels Profile RMS along minor axis
335 FUV_A_WORLD 1E degrees Profile RMS along major axis (world units)
336 FUV_B_WORLD 1E degrees Profile RMS along minor axis (world units)
337 FUV_THETA_IMAGE 1E degrees Position angle (CCW/x)
338 FUV_THETA_WORLD 1E degrees Position angle (CCW/world-x)
339 FUV_THETA_J2000 1E degrees Position angle (east of north) (J2000)
342 FUV_ERRX2_IMAGE 1D pixels Variance of position along x
343 FUV_ERRY2_IMAGE 1D pixels Variance of position along y
344 FUV_ERRXY_IMAGE 1E pixels Covariance of position between x and y
345 FUV_ERRX2_WORLD 1D degrees Variance of position along X-WORLD (alpha)
346 FUV_ERRY2_WORLD 1D degrees Variance of position along Y-WORLD (delta)
347 FUV_ERRXY_WORLD 1E degrees Covariance of position X-WORLD/Y-WORLD
348 FUV_ERRCXX_IMAGE 1E pixels Cxx error ellipse parameter
349 FUV_ERRCYY_IMAGE 1E pixels Cyy error ellipse parameter
350 FUV_ERRCXY_IMAGE 1E pixels Cxy error ellipse parameter
351 FUV_ERRCXX_WORLD 1E degrees Cxx error ellipse parameter (WORLD units)
352 FUV_ERRCYY_WORLD 1E degrees Cyy error ellipse parameter (WORLD units)
353 FUV_ERRCXY_WORLD 1E degrees Cxy error ellipse parameter (WORLD units)
354 FUV_ERRA_IMAGE 1E pixels RMS position error along major axis
355 FUV_ERRB_IMAGE 1E pixels RMS position error along minor axis
356 FUV_ERRA_WORLD 1E degrees World RMS position error along major axis
357 FUV_ERRB_WORLD 1E degrees World RMS position error along minor axis
358 FUV_ERRTHETA_IMAGE 1E degrees Error ellipse position angle (CCW/x)
359 FUV_ERRTHETA_WORLD 1E degrees Error ellipse pos. angle (CCW/world-x)
360 FUV_ERRTHETA_J2000 1E degrees J2000 error ellipse pos. angle (east of north)
361 FUV_FWHM_IMAGE 1E pixel FWHM assuming a gaussian core
362 FUV_FWHM_WORLD 1E degrees FWHM assuming a gaussian core
363 FUV_FLAGS 1I value Extraction flags
364 FUV_CLASS_STAR 1E value S/G classifier output
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